Liposuction Surgery

Advanced Liposuction Surgery Performed by Certified Practitioners

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps both men and women to lose stubborn body fat that doesn’t go away with exercise and diet. The procedure removes fat deposits and reshapes areas of the body, including the abdomen, ankles, buttocks, thighs, calves, knees, neck and chin, upper arms, breasts, and so on.

Liposuction surgery
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Liposuction surgery in Turkey

offered by Sublime Clinic can be the best answer for you if you want to contour the concerned area and achieve a slim, youthful appearance. Our board-certified specialists use a suction device to remove fat cells from targeted areas and help the skin retract after the surgery.

Liposuction surgery in Switzerland

at Sublime Clinic can be ideal if you want to remove fat from stubborn areas of your body. When you gain weight, fat cells get bigger. Liposuction can lower the number of fat cells depending on what the area looks like and the volume of fat.

After liposuction surgery, the skin moulds itself to a new shape and turns out to be smoother. From initial consultation to pre-treatment and post-procedure, our specialists have your back at every stage to help you achieve your ideal self. Our team puts your safety above all and is always available to assist you.

Quality Consultation and Treatment for Liposuction

Types of Liposuction Treatments We Provide

Before starting the liposuction procedure, our specialists mark circles and lines on the areas needed to be treated. Photos may also be taken to see before and after results. 

Depending on your condition, goals, and the area of ​​your body to be treated, the following liposuction technique will be used. 

  • Suction-Assisted Liposuction – Injects a mix of salt water and medicines into the area that’s being treated, which aids fat removal. Then, the practitioner makes small cuts and inserts a thin tube under the skin.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction – It is called vibration amplification which uses energy to open fat cell walls and breaks down fat for easier removal.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction – We put laser fiber through a small cut in the skin and break down fat deposits.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction – The vibration allows specialists to pull out tough fat more easily and faster. It is recommended when lots of fat needs to be removed.

Before and After Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

Liposuction treatment in Turkey at Sublime Clinic is an effective, safe, and easy-to-perform procedure. It is suitable for patients with stable body weight with moderately overweight or excess fat in some areas of the body.

When you come to us for liposuction, we will discuss crucial points related to the procedure, such as your medical history, previous surgeries, and medication.

The procedure involves placing the person under general anaesthesia, making a small incision, and inserting a cannula through it. A plastic tube is then used to remove and introduce fluids to and from the body.

The procedure takes about one to two hours, depending on the amount of fat in a particular area of your body. Once the desired result is achieved, the treated area is bandaged to promote tissue remodeling.

And postoperative care, nurses watch over our patients 24 hours a day from the moment they wake up from the operating room to the recovery room and until they leave the hospital, after the hospital a recovery period is taken care of by us. for a week

Post-surgery you would be required to stay one or two nights at our clinic depending on your surgeon’s advice and your recovery requirements. You can return to work after two weeks and resume exercise after six weeks. The liposuction recovery period ranges from three weeks to one or two months.

Consult Sublime Clinic for Safe and Effective Liposuction Surgery

If you have exhausted diet and exercise for losing body fat and still can’t get the desired results, you can get in touch with our liposuction specialists. We use advanced equipment and comprehensive techniques to deliver lasting results without any compromises to your health.

Rest assured knowing at Sublime Clinic, your liposuction surgery is in the hands of a highly experienced team who successfully carries out procedures with minimal risks.

Maintained By: Lannet Infotech LLP